The following Theocentric books are available from Amazon on Kindle ebook.

Theocentric Publishing Kindle Store

Theological Terms in Layman Language, by Martin Murphy,  Kindle ebook

Taking a Serious God Seriously, by James Perry, Kindle ebook

Joy in Worship, by James Vickery, Kindle ebook

The Essence of Christian Doctrine, by Martin Murphy, Kindle ebook

Consider These Things with Me, by James Perry, Kindle ebook

My Christian Apology, by Martin Murphy, Kindle ebook

The god of the Church Growth Movement, by Martin Murphy, Kindle ebook

The Church: First Thirty Years, by Martin Murphy, Kindle ebook

The Dominant Culture: Living in the Promised Land, by Martin Murphy, Kindle ebook

Amid the Cultural Chaos: Are We Casualties or Conquerors, by James Perry, Kindle ebook

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